My Y Story – Cathy Leonard

“In Jr High, I was diagnosed with scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and the therapy for this was swimming. I joined the West Toledo YMCA and began working out with the swim team. Hated every minute of it but became an excellent swimmer.
Fast forward to adulthood and having my own children, I knew I wanted my kids to learn to swim so we joined the Wolf Creek YMCA.
While enjoying our family membership I started taking water fitness classes and even became a water fitness instructor. I wanted to help the aquatic department so I became a lifeguard and swim instructor. With this knowledge, I was asked to help open the Fort Meigs YMCA , and became the aquatics director.
From there, I became a lifeguard trainer and swim instructor trainer. My childhood experience with the Y, brought me to the Y as an adult which, in turn, led me to the most rewarding career”
– Cathy Leonard,
YMCA of Greater Toledo Association Efficiency Director



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